Our Blog

Gain insights from our staff and partners on the latest in narrative research and grassroots communication. Hear stories from real people who have experienced homelessness and housing insecurity.

If you would like to share a story or unique insight into the housing crisis forcing so many of our neighbors into homelessness, reach out to us at info@housingnarrativelab.org.

Housing Narrative Lab Year-End Narrative Spotlight Awards


What does it take to change a big narrative? It takes many stories, shared consistently over time, that reach broad audiences. That is how we begin to shape people’s understanding of big social problems like homelessness and unstable housing, and what we can do to solve them.   This year, our Housing Narrative Awards spotlight stories […]

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Research Can Inform a Strong Narrative Strategy


How three of our partners use narrative research and message guidance. Author: Grover Wehman-Brown Narrative research is a powerful tool in building broad, strong support for the changes we need to create a world where we all can thrive. That said, sometimes people in the housing and advocacy field feel that certain recommended messages or […]

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Statement on SCOTUS Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson ruling


We’ve been holding our collective breath, waiting for this ruling. Now the real work begins. Ever since the Supreme Court of the United States decided to hear the case, Johnson v Grants Pass, those of us working to ensure everyone has a safe and affordable place to live have been holding our breath while working […]

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2024: Coming together to tell new housing narratives


What does 2024 have in store for us all? At the Housing Narrative Lab, we know the year ahead presents unprecedented challenges and unique opportunities to shape a future where every person, no matter our race, zipcode, or what country we were born in, will have what we need to live a decent life. 

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